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Pepe (TM) Created for DeviantArt by: SHREKRULEZSeries Developed by: NEW LINE PRODUCTIONS,CREATIVE ARTS STUDIOS/4C ENTERTAINMENTand WB ANIMATIONLOVE BY PEPE: A VALENTINE SPECIALOriginal Story by: SHREKRULEZ and JAYFOXFIRETeleplay by: SHREKRULEZ, EKJR and JAYFOXFIREExecutive Story Editors: JOHNSPARTAN1982 and MYSTERYFANBOY718Story Editing by: CREATIVE ARTS STUDIOS and CARTOON HILLS ENTERTAINMENTSupervising Producer: MINERVAMINKProduced and Story Directed by: SHREKRULEZ and MULLAN007February 13th came and it's almost to the most romantic holiday of alltime: VALENTINE'S DAY. Animation Production(Pepe returns to Warner Bros as a Looney Tune)(he got chased by Melinda Rabbit as few characters doing theirthing with comedy, texting on cellphones, Cheetara speeding up,4 new villains to hurt the Looney Tunes as they got hurt by a anvil,Penelope got jealous as Pitu showing muscles as she scoffs, Leroy drinking coffee got spilled as he screams in agony, Yogi and Boo Booshrugs while nodded) (he got crashed on to the bull's eye logo)(all the characters assembled) (Leanna hugs and kisses him) PEPE: It is too impossible to be attractive. LOVE BY PEPE: A VALENTINE'S SPECIAL The following new special is rated PG+ LSVMild Language, Cartoon Mischief/Rude Humor, Mild Sensuality/Suggestive Themes, Violence,and Some Thematic Elements which not be suitable for younger readers.READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED! A DeviantArt Original SeriesNew Line Television PresentsIn Association With: Creative Arts Studios/4C EntertainmentA Warner Bros.

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